The Universe…

…has funny ways of trying to send us a message. First off, hello everyone and welcome to my new followers. I apologize in advance for the barren blog. I finally landed a job(s) which was even more cause for celebration because, to be honest, I was starting to lose hope, energy, and just joy in … Continue reading The Universe…

Filipino Food: Next big food trend

I’ve been seeing this headline (or headlines similar to it) increasingly throughout the past year, let alone months. I take great pride in knowing that food from my country is growing in popularity here in the US (although I’m pretty sure it’s been very popular out in the west coast) and I thought it would be a good topic to (re)start this blog with.

I can’t say that I’m an authority in Filipino cuisine. Heck, I fought my parents whenever they tried to teach me how to speak and understand the language. In my defense, they tried teaching me three of the native dialects at the same time, so it’s really no wonder why I found the language frustrating and couldn’t be bothered with it. Every now and then I take a stab at learning one or two of the dialects only for it to end in a fight with my mom on the correct pronunciation. However, the language barrier never stopped me from understanding Filipino food but, there are times when I’m unsure of what makes Filipino food, Filipino food.

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Buche de Noel: Oldie Revisited and Revamped

The holidays have always provided a perfect time for me to go baking crazy for several reasons. For one, as any seasoned baker knows, the chilly weather of the Northeast turns the front porch into an extra fridge. Another reason, which I’ll write about in an upcoming post, I usually spend a solid two or three days in the kitchen baking homemade treat boxes for friends and family, so the cold weather makes being in the kitchen bearable, if not ideal. Now if only my cake orders coincided with the cold weather, I’d be an extremely happy baker.

Since I’ve started making homemade gifts about 4 years ago, I rarely make a dessert for our Christmas gatherings. This year, my sister asked me if I was going to make one since we were hosting Christmas lunch, turned dinner since everyone was running a bit…late. While keeping count of how many batches of cookies and treats I made so far, I had the thought of what I could make that wouldn’t give me a last-minute kitchen meltdown at the back of my mind. The was no shortage of ideas, however, I always came back to one dessert in particular.

Buche de Noele.

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Hello to all…six…of my subscribers! I sincerely apologize for the severe silent treatment. What started off as a strong month of blogging in June, quickly turned into a whirlwind of bridal showers, bachelorette weekends, weddings, a new addition to the family (I rescued a dog!), and the start of my final year in grad school that … Continue reading Revelation…resolutions

Lessons: Father’s Day

. happy father’s day from earth to the man who taught me to be inspired, not to take the easy way out, and not to take life too seriously • i love you {always} .

As with most holidays (hallmark or traditional) and birthdays, Father’s Day is particularly bittersweet for me and my sister. This October marks 9 years since my father’s sudden passing in 2007 and while the memory of that day still causes an ache in my heart, we’ve learned to focus on the time and the lessons that we had with him.

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