Buche de Noel: Oldie Revisited and Revamped

The holidays have always provided a perfect time for me to go baking crazy for several reasons. For one, as any seasoned baker knows, the chilly weather of the Northeast turns the front porch into an extra fridge. Another reason, which I’ll write about in an upcoming post, I usually spend a solid two or three days in the kitchen baking homemade treat boxes for friends and family, so the cold weather makes being in the kitchen bearable, if not ideal. Now if only my cake orders coincided with the cold weather, I’d be an extremely happy baker.

Since I’ve started making homemade gifts about 4 years ago, I rarely make a dessert for our Christmas gatherings. This year, my sister asked me if I was going to make one since we were hosting Christmas lunch, turned dinner since everyone was running a bit…late. While keeping count of how many batches of cookies and treats I made so far, I had the thought of what I could make that wouldn’t give me a last-minute kitchen meltdown at the back of my mind. The was no shortage of ideas, however, I always came back to one dessert in particular.

Buche de Noele.

Continue reading “Buche de Noel: Oldie Revisited and Revamped”


Hello to all…six…of my subscribers! I sincerely apologize for the severe silent treatment. What started off as a strong month of blogging in June, quickly turned into a whirlwind of bridal showers, bachelorette weekends, weddings, a new addition to the family (I rescued a dog!), and the start of my final year in grad school that … Continue reading Revelation…resolutions

Life lessons and cookie crumbs

Fun fact, I spent a year trying to create what I think is the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Last week I had the strongest craving for a freshly baked, chocolate-chip cookie (or two) like the one I’m holding in the picture above.

Does anyone ever have cravings like that?

Anyway, usually I have some dough from another batch sitting in freezer, ready to be dropped onto a baking sheet and popped into the oven. I could have sworn I did, but to my great disappointment there wasn’t. So I settled for the emergency roll of cookie dough.

emergency roll chocolate chip cookie

In my year of crafting the perfect cookie, I gathered, as I usually do when I’m cooking or baking, many life lessons. Here are my top three.

Lesson 1: There’s more than one way.  Continue reading “Life lessons and cookie crumbs”